Instructions for Your Appointment

Instrucciones Para Su Cita

Para español, continúe al final de esta página   

Please Reschedule IF...

You are currently positive for COVID-19 or have had recent contact with someone who is COVID-19 positive

You have symptoms such as fever, cough, body aches, trouble breathing, sore throat, or changes in taste or smell

UPDATED Mask Policy

  • MASKS ARE OPTIONAL for patients and staff
  • We are happy to wear a mask while serving you, at your request.  
  • We carefully review and adapt to health and safety guidelines as they continue to evolve
  • We continue to monitor employee health and sanitize work surfaces regularly

Instrucciones para Su Cita


Por favor, hágase cuenta de las siguientes importantes consejos:

Reprograme su Cita, si:

Usted está positivo para COVID-19 o ha tenido contacto con una persona con COVID-19 dentro de 14 días 

Tiene síntomas como fiebre, tos, dolores corporales, dificultad para respirar, dolor de garganta, o cambios en el sabor u olor

El Uso de Cubrebocas

El uso de mascarillas es opcional tanto para nuestros pacientes y nuestro equipo.

Para su Seguridad, estamos...

Supervisando la salud de los empleados

Desinfectando todas las áreas de contacto antes y después de la interacción del paciente

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamarnos al 801-676-2020.

Dr. Jeffrey Broadhead

Progressive Eye Care

Dr. Jeffrey Broadhead, OD and his team of optometry and ophthalmology providers offer comprehensive treatments to improve the vision of patients from our offices in South Jordan, UT. Our doctors are members of professional associations, including:

American Academy of Ophthalmology

American Optometric Association

American Board of Ophthalmology

Utah Optometric Association

American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery

American Academy of Orthokeratology & Myopia Control

To schedule an appointment at our South Jordan optometry practice, you can contact us online or give us a call at (801) 676-2020.

Contact Us


South Jordan Office